Today’s market is a real estate agent’s dream, but competition is fierce, and you’ve got to pull out all the stops to win a new client. Every sale and every new client is a big deal, and they present the opportunity to generate new leads. Just Sold postcards may be old-school advertising, but they work, so why reinvent the wheel?
If we just drag that wheel into the 21st century, it will still produce excellent results that significantly return on investment. First, you’ll want to choose picture postcards like our high-gloss Just Sold postcards with a professional resolution for sharper images ideal for real estate prospects who may become future clients.
Use these progressive tips from our newest just sold postcards examples to see a dramatic jump in your response rate.
Our Most Successful Just Sold Postcards Examples Were Consumer-Centric
As we said, we’re just dragging the wheel into the 21st century here. The most successful Just Sold Postcards appeal to current consumers. This is just a small shift in copywriting to make the content more personal. Leverage the power of emotion by making the headline more personal.
The commonplace headlines ‘Just Sold’ or ‘Recently Sold’ don’t speak to anybody. The consumer-centric approach personalizes the headline with the names of people who sold their homes (with their permission, of course). Headlines like ‘The Phillips Family is Moving’ or ‘Cary and Michelle Sold Their Home’ trigger a significant jump in conversions because they’re personal. Focus on people instead of transactions to evoke emotions that prompt response.
Become Familiar with Monthly Mailings
Okay, cards are on the table here. Even our successful Just Sold postcards examples that generated incredible results didn’t come from a single mailing. There were multiple mailings of similar design that slowly inundated the target area.
Consistency is key. It typically takes at least three high-quality, wisely worded Just Sold postcards examples to start getting responses from the targeted area. Make small design changes to each successive mailing while keeping critical data like your contact information and call-to-action. This allows you to become a familiar friendly face while establishing your authority in the market area.
You want a business strategy that will ensure you are remembered above your competition. Depending on your goals and market conditions, you may want to consider monthly mailings for long-term growth.
Just Sold Postcards Support Successful Multi-Channel Marketing Strategies
The most lucrative Just Sold postcards examples are part of a multifaceted marketing strategy. Social media marketing is the equivalent of sending digital postcards. The beauty of it is that you can target the same prospective clients receiving your Just Sold postcards in the mail. If that’s not genius, then I don’t know what is! Platforms like Facebook allow you to be hyper-focused with your targeting so nurturing your prospects is a cakewalk.
This multifaceted marketing strategy keeps you front and center while you warm up your audience. When they’re ready to make a move, you’ll be the one they call.
Revitalize your marketing strategy with Just Sold postcards that get results and become one of our incredible success stories by applying the top tips and techniques from our most successful Just Sold Postcards examples. Create an account today and become part of the Wise Pelican family to design your best high-quality Just Sold postcards.