How to Do Address Forwarding in USA

Address Forwarding in USA

If you know that you are going out of town for a while, you may want to consider using the services of a mail forwarding company.  This is going to make sure that all of the mail that is normally delivered to your home is not going to build up while you are out of town.  What makes this so important is that it will be the best way to not notify any thieves in the area that you are actually out of town. This blog will discuss How to Do Address Forwarding in USA.

If you feel that you do not actually need the mail that you will receive when you are away from your house, you may want to consider having it all sent to one of your neighbors that you trust, as they can very easily walk over to your home and bring it in for you.  Another option is to have the post office hold all of the mail that should be delivered to you at the actual post office until you are back and able to pick it up. However, if these options are not going to work out for you, then you are going to need to use an address forwarding service in order to get all of your mail.  With that being said, the United States Post Office is going to have a couple of different options that you can use in order to setup a temporary address.

When You Need to Put Your Mail on Hold

When it comes to mail forwarding, the minimum amount of time that you are going to need to do it for is going to be two weeks.  If you are planning to be gone for less than two weeks, you are going to need to simply put your mail on hold instead.  What this means, is that you will not be receiving mail to your address for that amount of time.  As soon as the hold is up though, you will start to receive your mail as you regularly would, or you can even go to the post office to pick up all of the mail that was collected while you were away.

Standard Mail Forwarding

When it comes to mail forwarding with the USPS, their regular mail forwarding service is going to be one of the most popular and most cost-efficient options that are available to you.  With this service, you can expect to receive several different benefits. These benefits include:

  • Extended duration:  When you are away from your regular address, the mail forwarding service can last from a minimum of two weeks, all the way up to one year.
  • Enrolling is easy:  This can be done in person, or you can even do it online in about 3 minutes.
  • The total cost:  When you enroll in the mail forwarding service at the post office, it is going to be free.  If you decide to do it online, there is going to be a small charge that will be $1, which will need to be paid by credit card.