If you own an auto repair shop, then you likely understand that the customer is king. This is true even if your customer knows little to nothing about their vehicle. They expect prompt, specific answers to their questions about vehicle repairs and want to be kept informed about the status of their service or repair job without having to constantly reach out to the auto repair shop for updates. This is where having the capacity to perform an accurate digital vehicle inspection makes all the difference in helping your shop to run smoothly and keeping your customers coming back for their next service appointment.
What is a Digital Vehicle Inspection?
A digital vehicle inspection is a platform to display pictures, videos, written reports and recommendations to customers with the click of the button. It records all of your service and repair recommendations as well as vital information about the vehicle, such as the VIN, mileage, any noticeable issues, and owner details, in one place. This allows you to send detailed information to the customer about any issues with their vehicle and documents all of your service recommendations for posterity’s sake.
Increasing Shop Efficiency with Digital Vehicle Inspections
In addition to being an effective safeguard for compiling the quotes and recommendations that you give to customers, this program frees you up to take on additional jobs because of the degree of automation it adds to the process. No matter who may have originally documented the customer’s vehicle in the shop, any employee is able to log in instantly and check the progress on the job. This means that when a customer calls into the shop to find out when they can pick up their vehicle, employees no longer have to stop what they are doing and check in with the technician who was originally working on the vehicle. It allows for seamless transitions between various mechanics working on the same vehicle and ensures that no information is lost in translation between shifts.
Another advantage of using this highly automated system is that it helps you to track the profitability of each job. You know exactly what you need to charge in order to turn a profit and can provide more accurate estimates to customers. It is also a good way to inform customers of what they should expect to budget for upcoming repair or service jobs because you can document any issues that arise with the vehicle for both you and the customer to see. This helps to show your customer that you are transparent throughout the process and will earn you a significant amount of goodwill with customers.
Choosing Tekmetric if You Want to Increase Your Shop’s Efficiency
Tekmetric is one of the leading providers of digital vehicle inspection technology and is the company that many auto repair shops turn to when they want to increase efficiency without breaking the bank. The technology used by Tekmetric is cutting-edge and is reliable in terms of protecting private customer information against hacks and data breaches. This is an especially important consideration for choosing your service provider at a time when customer data breaches are making national headlines fairly regularly. The platform provided by Tekmetric is accessible from anywhere because it is built using Cloud-based technology. Its innovative platform allows you to upload photos and videos of vehicles faster than ever before. Auto repair shops that use Tekmetric’s platform find that they spend less time managing administrative tasks and more time working on jobs for customers, which reduces labor costs and increases profit in the long run.