An in-depth look into the traditional education systems revealed that the present education system doesn’t provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to reach their full potential.
Outcome-Based Education or OBE is thought to be the new option that can transform education into a personalized learning experience. It is now believed that OBE can enable education institutions to design new education models tailored to students’ learning preferences.
At present, many institutions now have their own OBE framework to help interested students choose a professional career right after graduation.
Currently, the education system is too scattered in the form of spreadsheets and documents and mostly remains buried in paperwork. This led to the birth of the idea, what if we could link the curriculum processes with more professional, real-world implications? The academicians are now thinking if they could start it in educational institutions in the form of educational software that can be processed, shared, and activated. Can they reuse them to create more effective learning outcomes? What if we can use this method finally to take education to the next level?
Here are the 15 ways to improve education quality with outcome-based education software:
1. Mission, Vision & Objectives
The central feature of OBE software is modeled to improve quality education. Thus, OBE prepares the mapping of the institute’s mission, vision, and values with the program’s educational objectives.
2. Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEOs are assessed for a longer duration to decide a student’s achievement. What the graduating students dreamt of achieving in their career within four to five years of graduation, they can now do a lot faster. Program Educational Objectives ask the students to fill out an online survey questionnaire. Their answers to that survey reveal the factors that will satisfy the graduates and their dreams about achieving something.
3. Graduate Attributes (GA)
The key skills, generic attributes, employability and soft skills define the graduate attributes in the students. OBE proposed Curriculum management software that allows teachers to map graduate attributes in the curriculum design. These graduate attributes play a vital role to achieve the desired learning outcomes.
When a student learns something from experience over a period of time, that is called a learning outcome. Student learning outcomes describe the attributes of an ideal graduate. This assessment is done based on their missions, visions, outcomes and institutional goals. SLO is used to develop specific program outcomes. There are three broad types of learning outcomes:
- Disciplinary knowledge and skills
- Generic skills
- Attitudes and values
5. Program outcomes (PO)
Program outcomes are the sets of competencies like skills, attitudes and knowledge that all students are expected to demonstrate. Desired outcomes are then mapped to the desired learning outcomes. Finally, students can enrol for their desired courses after continuous assessment through various evaluation tools.
6. Course outcomes (CO)
Course outcomes are the values, knowledge, and skills students are expected to learn through the duration of a course. Teachers can use the software to map learning outcomes, program outcomes and course outcomes.
7. Syllabus, Unit & Lesson Plan Outcomes
Course outcomes are related to lesson outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to create a syllabus and a lesson plan to link the learning outcomes of each teaching activity. These essays help online to build cohesion and coherence during student learning.
8. Teaching Methods
The digital era demands more usage of video lectures, slide presentations, and podcasts to engage the students in a more immersive learning experience. Innovation is the key to enhancing a student’s learning experience. Adapting to more technology-aided teaching methods would enable educational institutions to map the targeted outcome for the students perfectly. This can lead to a scenario where students and teachers work together to achieve a common goal of efficient learning. For more details read My Assignment Help Review to get exact ideas about teaching methods.
9. Assessment & Evaluation Tools
Implementing Outcome-based education also means teaching gets easier for the teachers. The sole objective of teaching is to build learning competencies. Teachers resort to online tests, quizzes, assignments, and puzzles for better evaluation of students. With the software in place, they can maintain transparency and fairness while evaluating.
10. Customisable Rubrics & Marking Schemes
Oral communication, assessment of writing, critical thinking, or information literacy often requires following a set of rules. If the rules or documents get automated, there will be a standardized scoring guide to assist evaluators in making assessments more transparent, consistent, and accessible.
11. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Quality in higher education comes with CQI. The online assessment and evaluation process provides vital information to the teachers and administrators. CQI also helps to provide real-time reports on the effectiveness of the delivery, program design, and objectives. CQI tools are based on digital feedback loops through course/faculty evaluations. This enables colleges and universities to enhance the quality of education.
12. Outcome-based Education & Accreditation
Yet another way to boost the quality of education in schools is by gaining accreditation. Accreditation Management systems now have automated tools that enable the universities to measure the outcomes and achievements easily. It also lets an educational institution improve the quality of its education.
13. Student Success
There is a completely different concept from traditional OBE to technology-based and result-oriented outcome-based education. Here, the goal remains to maximize the efficiency of students. Structuring high schools, colleges, and universities become imperative to achieve and maximize students’ learning outcomes.
14. Constructive alignment
Constructive alignment outcomes to multiple curriculum elements that are unique to outcome-based education. A student can achieve better marks and learn faster by mapping skills, PEO’s, program outcomes, course outcomes, teaching methods, and competencies. The educational quality will also thrive with better assessment.
15. Presentation of outcomes with automatic mind mapping
We can use mind mapping techniques to represent and trigger complex relationships and ideas to assist how someone thinks, writes, and makes decisions. The power of auto-generated mind maps represents how curriculum elements are arranged, classified and grouped instantly without much effort.
Summing Up:
If colleges and universities make moves to implement software and educational tools to support OBE, that will benefit the education fraternity in multiple ways. Evolution and innovation have always been the two cornerstones of progression, and this new technique and technology will accelerate continuous quality improvement processes and improve learning outcomes.
Author Bio
Denny Martin is a professional academic writer at one of the most reliable websites, He has years of expertise in creating highly engaging essays, assignments, research papers, thesis, case studies and other academic papers for students.